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Showing posts from November, 2021

Basics of Kubernetes

  Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration framework, it was developed by Google. Kubernetes manages containers it could be a docker container or any other container technology. So we can say that Kubernetes help us manage the containerized application, We can use Kubernetes on a different type of environments let it be a physical server, virtual machines or cloud. What Problem Does It Solve : The rise of microservice architecture has increased the use of container technologies. nowadays a complex enterprise application can have thousands of containers. managing those containers using scripts or self-made tools is very tough and error-prone. Kubernetes like container orchestration tools solve this problem. A container orchestration tool offers the following features High Availability or no downtime Scalability or high performance Disaster recovery Basic Architectures:  Kubernetes cluster is made of at least one master node and connected to it a couple of  worker nodes . The